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Life of Pi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Life of Pi - Research Paper Example Life of Pi is a 2012 American - Indian-British no frills and PC enlivened experience dramatization fi...

Friday, November 1, 2019

Plato and the Platonic dialogues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plato and the Platonic dialogues - Essay Example In this effort Socrates bravely presents arguments relating to the need to life the examined life, as without living a life of purpose and meaning he believes there is no purpose in existence. Conversely, philosopher Robert Nozick in his book the Examined Life revisits this question of living a life of examination, yet considers it from a slightly different perspective than the one Plato advances through Socrates. This essay considers Plato’s characterization of the examined life through his dialogues Euthyphro and the Apology, examines Nozick’s conceptualization in the Examined Life, and contrasts the two philosophers views on the subject. One of the most seminal of Plato’s dialogues, the Apology constitutes Socrates’ argument to the Athenian court for his innocence. In considering this line of reasoning it’s important to consider the broader implications of Socrates argument. It seems that Socrates is indicating that in Meletus and the Athenian co unsel harming Socrates they are doing so in a sort of bad faith. Socrates believes that in being a better person than Meletus he has chosen to live his life virtuously. In living his life virtuously Socrates has contributed to society and lived his life in productive ways. He has also worked towards achieving his own sense of purpose and meaning; in Socrates’ instance, it seems that he believes this to be living honestly and spreading his wisdom and intellect to the Athenian youth. If Meletus were to have Socrates killed, which he is attempting.

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